
Ed Schroeter

On a very basic level, its obvious theatre is a ‘live performance.’  However, when that performance brings to life something precious to its audience, then, what is created is magic.  Ed Schroeter spent a sizable portion of his life and creative energies making magic come alive on stage.  An award-winning playwright and ‘live’ theatre producer, Ed took delight in creating dramas imparting a sense of reality and humanity to historical figures who’ve shaped our communities.

In cooperation with Centennial Museum & Archives, Ed served as a driving force behind the Heritage Pavilion Stage series, worked closely with 4th Line Theatre and a revitalized Arbor Theatre.  He conducted more than 50 play-writing workshops for elementary and secondary school students in the Peterborough area.  For his efforts, he earned four national playwriting awards, and shared in a City of Peterborough Civic Award for cultural achievement.

Thanks, in no small part to his creative commitment, Peterborough theatre and history are alive and well in young audiences and their families.  Ed Schroeter is dangerously close to making history fun.

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