
Peggy Lockwood

Any mention of Peggy Lockwood’s name in the Peterborough regional arts community is greeted with awe and reverence, which is due to such a composite, dynamic personality.  Peggy Lockwood is a major contributor to the vibrant dramatic life of our community.  In fact, it could be stated she’s creativity personified.

Author, director, actor, drama teacher; she’s involved in most every facet of Peterborough’s artistic life.  The Peterborough Theatre Guild is a beneficiary of her varied talents. A winner of the Best Supporting Actress award, Peggy is even known to join as a participant of numerous chorus parts in musicals.

Peggy is also a published writer of children’s books, as well as a writer of religious plays.  Her cherished focus is to utilize her many talents to teach a better, more moralistic way of life – especially to youth.  This community is better for having her in our midst, and contributing her many talents within, and without.

Bravo, Peggy!

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