
Martha Ann Kidd

When most people walk by old Peterborough buildings, they simply see old brick, wood and shingles. When Martha Kidd passes an old Peterborough building, she sees life and history. She sees the men who built the structure, the individuals and families who inhabited the building over decades, who worked and played, laughed and cried, lived and died there to mold Peterborough into what it is today.

Active in many phases of local history, Martha served as president of Peterborough Historical Society and vice-chair and research director with Peterborough Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee.

A book she co-authored with Louis Taylor, (Historical Sketches of Peterborough,) and a myriad of newspaper articles and columns are a continuing source of fascination, bringing to life so many aspects of Peterborough history. Her writing also enriches any city walking tour.

Few have contributed more to our appreciation of local history and architectural heritage than Martha Ann Kidd.

Martha Ann Kidd passed away in 2012. Image credit:

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