
Gayle and John Nelson

In 1970, it was obvious Otonabee Township needed a library, but no suitable location could be found at the time.

Gayle and John Nelson stepped up, and offered their Keene home as the first library location. That generosity symbolized more than 50 years of dedication to Otonabee-South Monaghan Township and the Greater Peterborough area.

Since their marriage in 1954, Gayle and John volunteered in numerous capacities, adding much to the cultural enjoyment of the Kawarthas. Both are founding members of Otonabee-South Monaghan Historical Society; serving in numerous executive positions within the organization. They supervised, and helped fund the completion of a public library in Keene, combining the library with the Historical Society.

Gayle indulged a passion for history with two highly acclaimed books: ‘Forest To Farm – Early Days In Otonabee,’ and an extensive history of the United Church in Keene. She pursued a lifelong enthusiasm for genealogical research, serving on a board of directors for Kawartha Ancestral Research Association. Gayle also submitted a number of well-researched articles for KARA’s publication, ‘Trees and Forbears.’

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